WE HAVE A SMALL NUMBER OF RECEPTION 2024 PLACES- PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL LAUTHORITY TO APPLY................................................................... Places available in year 1, 2, 5 & 6. Please contact the school office for a visit


Computing - 2024



Our primary goal is to empower students for the digital era, cultivating curiosity, critical thinking, and ethical responsibility. We envision a learning environment where every student, irrespective of background, can thrive in the digital age.



Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to cover computer basics, coding, and digital citizenship, ensuring a gradual and comprehensive learning journey. We seamlessly integrate technology into various subjects, offering a holistic educational experience. Teachers undergo regular training, staying abreast of the latest in educational technology to provide effective instruction.


We employ diverse assessments, including projects and collaborative activities, offering timely feedback for continuous improvement. Our ultimate measure of success extends beyond technical proficiency, aiming to graduate students with well-rounded skills and a sense of responsible digital citizenship.
Parent Information
Useful Information
The BBC's free online study resources, with very clear explanations and videos for all of KS1 and KS2 Computing. An excellent place to start learning about computing concepts.
Wikipedia with shorter sentences and simpler words and grammar, for children and people who find it harder to learn or read. Their articles are great for children to learn computing concepts and vocabulary. With supervision, they can edit these articles to show off their knowledge and experience presenting content for the web, for the world to see!

Purple Mash
At St Bon's we use Purple Mash to teach coding, email, algorithms and much more. There are interactive and creative activities to help learn subjects across the computing curriculum as well as English, maths, science, PSHME and our Topic curriculum. Your child will have a login for the St Bon's portal.

Lots of children become inspired by computing and want to go even further and learn real-life programming and markup languages. Codecademy is renowned for making easier-to-understand lessons for languages that build the web, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.