The following groups are available to support parents of children with SEN. If you need more information about any of the groups please see Liz Kurzik or Marvel Morgan.
Bristol Parent Carers
A friendly and active group of parent carers of children and young people 0-25 years with disabilities, special educational needs and life-limiting conditions. They come from different backgrounds and communities across Bristol. Bristol Parent Carers work together as partners with Bristol City Council and NHS Bristol to shape the services provided for families. They can signpost you to support groups, training opportunities and advice organisations. For further information or support you can find them on Facebook, Twitter or contact:
Telephone: 0117 9396645 (ext 204)
Post - Bristol Parent Carers
Phoenix Social Enterprise
5 Russell Town Avenue
Bristol BS5 9LT
Bristol Parent Carers North Bristol Support Group
Meet others and share experiences, get advice and information, relax with a 15 minute therapy session or participate in art/ crafts or movement activities.
Wednesday from 10.30-12.30 Jan 18th, Feb 22nd, March 22nd, April 26th, May 24th, June 21st, July 19th
169th Bristol Scout Group, The Scout Hut, Tranmere Ave, Brentry, Bristol, BS10 7JN
No need to book. Travel and childcare costs reimbursed with receipts. Tel 0117 9396645 Ext 204 Mon, Tues and Thurs or email
Free car park. Buses 1,2,4,76
Let's Go! Bristol
Short Breaks Transport Scheme. Help for those who struggle to get out and about. For families of children and young people 0-25 with disabilities, special educational needs and life-limiting conditions who live in the Bristol City Council area or are inpatients at Bristol hospitals. This scheme helps parent carers who struggle to access transport for short breaks with their family. Perhaps you don't drive, don't own a car, don't have an adapted vehicle large enough for family and friends or need to support your child on their trip. You can use accessible cars with or without a driver, accessible minibuses with a driver.
Each names child/ young person with SEND can use ths scheme for trips up to a financial limit per child. Eg each year you can use the transport for up to 6 local trips in Bristol for a regular activity, up to 3 trips to venues in neighbouring counties or 1 long trip further afield. You can have transport for the day, evening, weekend or a holiday (1 week max) You can request a driver for day and evening trip but for overnight breaks you must drive yourself.
tel: 07954473953 (Tues and Thurs 9.30-1)
Bristol Black Carers (young and caring)
A young carer is under 18 and looks after someone in their family who is disabled, experiencing long term physical or mental ill health or has a drug/ alcohol misuse problem. Young and Caring uses a family centred approach to provide information, advice and support to young carers, their families and professionals. They give a free trusted and confidential service which aims to develop confidence, learn new skills, reduce isolation and give them a break from caring responsibilities.
Tel: 0117 3144666
Post: The Old Library, Trinity Road, Bristol, BS2 0NW
Carers' Support Centre
If you provide support to someone who could not manage without your help, you are a carer. This could be caring for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or affected by mental ill health or substance abuse. Carers Support Centre is a registered charity providing a range of practical services.
CarersLine: 0117 9652200
Send and You
Providing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) for Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos.
They offer a free, confidential and impartial service to any parent or/ or any young person with SEND who has concerns about educational provision. They offer telephone support, help with paperwork, help you to prepare for meetings with schools, face to face support, courses and a termly newsletter.
Tel (info, advice, support line) 0117 9897725 (Mon, Wed, Fri 10-2 term time only) answerphone all other times
Admin: 0117 9897724
KIDS Independent Supporters
Help with paperwork and EHCP
0117 9476111 support
Bristol Autism Support
An information and support provider for parents and carers of children with autism in Bristol. They run events across Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos and provide information through our drop-in sessions, email, internet and printed materials
Tel: 0778745164
Facebook and twitter
Bristol Local Offer
Bristol's Local Offer. You can get information on Services for children and young people 0-25, education, health services, short breaks, personal budgets, social care services, local events and activities for children and young people
If you need information or advice about early support for your child's additional needs, phone FLORA on 0117 352 6020, or email
Jigsaw Thornbury
The group offers a range of events and socialising opportunities. They also offer training sessions and workshops for parents and carers. They loan out items such as weighted items, outdoor equipment and relaxation aids. A hugely successful cafe provides cakes and refreshments for our visitors.
They offer two drop-in support groups a week during the school term and a monthly Sensory lending library and cafe run by volunteers.
Website: Jigsaw Thornbury
Facebook: @jigsawthornbury
15/17 St Mary Street
BS35 2AB
Hengrove Play Park
Hengrove Park, Hengrove Way,
BS14 0HR
Playpark: inclusive settling sessions
Times: 9:30 am to 10:30 am, Thursdays and Sundays
Our inclusive settling sessions are for disabled children so they can enjoy all areas of the play park with their siblings and family.
To access the site, parent/carers must show their Bristol Register of Disabled Children Pink Card, or other local equivalent.
Website: Hengrove Play Park
Start discovering! With over 60 pages of fun and brilliant ideas, exercises and activities that are disability-specific, covering everything from wheelchair games and core stability exercises to massage and music therapy, we’ve tried to create helpful resources that can be tried at home.
For families that live in, or can access, Bristol and the surrounding areas, Gympanzees offer a website packed full of ideas for children with a whole spectrum of differences, including Down syndrome. There are
- exercises and activities online,
- resources to borrow
- on-line webinars with their therapists.
- Music therapy
Website: Gympanzees
Bristol Down Syndrome Trust
A Bristol based charity providing speech and language therapy to children with Down Syndrome, building a supportive community of families, and helping our children to achieve their full potential.
The Bristol Down Syndrome Trust provides Speech and Language Therapy for children from the age of 18 months who have Down Syndrome. The therapy is provided in small groups of up to six children. Groups run every other week in school term time. The cost is £10 per session, payable termly in advance. There are typically 6 sessions in a term so the cost is £60/term.
Website: Bristol Down Syndrome Trust
Community Church
2 Albert Place
Henleaze Hall
Bristol BS9 4AF