BRP: Boosting Reading at Primary intervention
CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection
CLPE: Centre for Literacy in Primary Education
DSL: Designated Safeguarding Lead
DT: Design Technology (includes art, cooking etc)
ELG: Early Learning Goals
ELLI: Effective Life Long Learning Inventory
EMAT: Ethnic Minority Achiement Team
ETA: Expected Time of Arrival
EYFS: Early Years Foundation Stage i.e. pre-school / nursery
FS: Foundation Stage i.e. Reception classes
FSM: Free School Meals (not the same as universal free school meals – Free School Meals are means tested and must be applied for with the Local Authority)
INSET day: In service training day: children do not attend school on INSET days
IEP: Individual Education Plans
KPI: Key Performance Indicators
KS1: Key Stage One: Includes Year 1 and Year 2
KS2: Key Stage Two: includes Year 3,4,5,6
LSA: Learning Support Assistant
MECP: Management Equality Child Protection
PGL: PGL Travel Ltd: a company which provides residential activity trips for school aged children. Peter Gordon Lawrence was its founder
PSHME: Personal, Social, Health and Moral Education
RE: Religious Education
REP: Class Representative (a parent who represents the class and liaise and communicate with the school, teachers, PTFA etc to help organise school trips, swimming lessons, school events etc..)
SATS: Standard Attainment Tests (these happen in year 2 and year 6)
SENCO: Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SEND: Special Education Needs and Disability
SLT: Senior Leadership Team