Reception, years 1, 2 and 3
When the parent or person picking up the child has been seen by the child/teacher, the child is then released into the care of that person.
If someone different from normal is picking up your child, please email the office before midday giving permission for that person to collect your child.
If your plans have changed last minute for emergency reasons, please phone or email the school. We will then immediately contact your child’s class teacher to let them know.
Years 4, 5 and 6
Children are released from their classrooms and can go down and check for their parent/person picking them up from school.
Children are told that if they cannot see their parent/person picking them up, they should go to the school office and tell somebody from the admin team who will then be able to pass any messages on to them or telephone a parent on their behalf. Children should not leave the school premises unaccompanied. We regularly remind children of this and hold assemblies to re-enforce this message. We are also grateful if you can make sure your child understands this procedure.
Giving permission for your child to walk home from school
If your child is in year 5 or 6, you can give permission for your child to walk home from school on their own. Please complete the “Permission to Walk Home from School” form which can be obtained from the school office. To ensure your child’s safety, please acknowledge your responsibility to ensure that you do not change pick up arrangements unless it is an emergency (such as illness/injury/accident).
If you do need to send your child a message, then please make sure you contact us before 2.45pm as we have systems to deliver messages to KS2 classrooms at this time. Please note, if changes are being made on a regular basis we will ask that you change your arrangements and pick your child up from the school grounds so that we can ensure your child’s safety.
Please reinforce to your child the Stranger Danger message, Green Cross Code and that they know that if they arrive at a meeting point/home and the person they expected to meet them is not there and if they have no way to contact them (e.g., mobile telephone) then they should return to school immediately so that a member of staff can help them.
If a child is walking home on their own, they should come and sign out in our pupil book in the school office. That way, if they do not arrive at the meeting place when you expect them to, we can check the signing out book and tell you what time they left school.
Mobile telephones
Children who walk to or from school on their own may have a mobile telephone which must be handed in to the school office on their arrival at school and will be held safely in the school office. Children may then collect their phones at the end of the school day when they go to sign themselves out.
Please remember it is the parent's responsibility to ensure that your child's phone is 'safe'. The school does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of personal property on its premises.