WE HAVE A SMALL NUMBER OF RECEPTION 2024 PLACES- PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL LAUTHORITY TO APPLY................................................................... Places available in year 1, 2, 5 & 6. Please contact the school office for a visit

Reception 2024 - I have NOT been offered a place... what next?

You will be asked by School Admissions if you wish to place your child on our waiting list or accept the place you have been offered at another school. If you decide to place your child on our waiting list, we will be informed by School Admissions.

Parents and carers have the right to wait until October for their first choice preference - we therefore won't necessarily know until then if a place is available or not. As soon as a place becomes free, School Admissions informs us. We then let them know who is first on the waiting list (according to our ranking criteria in the Admissions Policy) and School Admissions offer the place to that child.
If your child was not offered a place, you have the right to appeal to an independent panel against the decision.  We recommend that you look at Bristol City Council's appeal pages to help you consider if this is the right course of action for you and your family.
Appeals for the academic year 2024/25 must be made by 1st May 2024.
Appeals are heard from the end of June.
Details of how to appeal for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on Bristol City Council's website after school allocations are completed on 16th April 2024.
Our Appeal Form can be found below.
In September, once the new academic year has started, the School Admissions team will hand over admissions to the school. We will then contact you to see if you still wish to be on our waiting list. 
If you do wish to remain on the list, you will be asked to complete a mid year application form so that we have all your details on file, should a place become available.