WE HAVE A SMALL NUMBER OF RECEPTION 2024 PLACES- PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL LAUTHORITY TO APPLY................................................................... Places available in year 1, 2, 5 & 6. Please contact the school office for a visit

Active travel to school and parking

We want to make our school and the surrounding environment happier, healthier and safer. Please consider travelling actively by walking, scooting or cycling to school. 

Below is a map which shows a 5 minute walking zone around school that has been tested by pupils to prove that it only takes five minutes!

If you have to travel by car, please park outside the walking zone, with care and consideration for local residents, and walk the rest of the way.

Parking around the local area

If you do need to drive to drop off/pick up your child please be aware that we are based in a residential area.  In particular we ask:

  • Please respect our neighbours' driveways and do not park in front of them.
  • Please do not double park to drop your children off at school and block the road.
  • Please can you avoid driving to the top end of Egerton Road.  This area is highly congested with "walking traffic" and it is not safe to manoevre vehicles in this area.  
  • The Church car park remains closed to parents.
  • Please do not drive into or park in the staff car park at any time during the day (this includes before school or to pick up from After School Club).

Useful websites