Places available in year 1, 2, 5 & 6. Please contact the school office for a visit

Healthcare Plan & Admin of Medicines Forms

To enable us to be able to give your child their medication please complete the relevant forms and bring in their prescribed medicine as indicated below.  


FORMS FOR CHRONIC CONDITIONS (long standing health conditions, e.g., asthma, eczema, allergies): 

  • Healthcare Plan; 
  • Administrations of Medicine Consent Form;
  • Consent Form for use of Emergency Inhaler (if your child has been prescribed an inhaler).



  • Administrations of Medicine Consent Form for ANTIBIOTICS. 
  • Healthcare Plans are only required if your child has antibiotics regularly because of an underlying chronic health condition (e.g., frequent skin infections due to chronic eczema; frequent chest infections due to chronic asthma).  Healthcare Plans are not required for one-off illnesses such as tonsillitis or ear infections.  

For more information please see our antibiotics page.  



If it has been agreed that it would be suitable for your child to have a non-fragranced, sensitive hand moisturiser in school, then please complete the handcream form and return it to school with your child's handcream with their name on it.  It will be stored in the classroom and the pupil will need to actively administer it themselves.  The school will not record when a child uses their handcream.  



We need to keep a set of your children's medicine in school. The only exception to this is antibiotic medicine. 

To avoid wastage of medicine please take note of the expiry date of your child's school medicine and arrange to replace it a couple of months before the expiry date to enable your child to finish their medication at home.

Please ensure that medication is brought in:   

  • In the original pharmacy box with the dispensing label.
  • Inhalers should come with a spacer (as recommended by the School Nursing team). 
  • The medicine itself should also have a pharmacy label in case it should become separated from its original box in school.
  • If an epipen is prescribed, we need 2 epipens to be brought in for the pupil. 

If you tell your pharmacist that the medicine is for school, they should be happy to provide the correct labeling. 

We are sorry but we CANNOT accept medication that does not have the correct labeling as we need evidence that it has been prescribed for your child.    



If you would like some help to complete this paperwork, then please make an appointment to see Mrs Noto in the school office.  She is happy to sit down with you and help you to complete all the necessary paperwork. 

If your child's needs are complex, it may be appropriate to make a referral to the School Nursing Service who will be able to create a more in depth form you to help us to ensure that we are able to meet your child's needs.