Places available in year 1, 2, 5 & 6. Please contact the school office for a visit

Keeping Active

The highest priority during the closure is you and your children's health and wellbeing.
It is important that if you are well enough you are active for at least 20 minutes every day. 
This could be for:
  • Getting Your Heart Rate Up
  • Stretching Muscles and Joints
  • Exercising Muscles
  • Interacting With Others
  • Having A Mental Break
  • Getting Fresh Air
A routine is helpful for most people. Try to keep getting out of bed at the same time, and divide work activities into short chunks (30 minutes), try setting goals each day but also providing time for breaks, family interaction, good eating, having joyful moments and going with the flow. Keeping up with the broad and varied curriculum is important but so is being creative, active and enjoying yourself.
Here are some suggestions for Keeping Active:
Get Outside!
Current Government guidance is that getting outside is fine so long as you maintain social distancing with other people. The NHS has produced a guide to mental health and wellbeing called Every Mind Matters, including how getting outside can help.
So go out for a walk, run, cycle or scoot, every day!
Go Noodle
Go Noodle helps teachers and parents get kids moving with short interactive activities. Desk-side movement helps kids achieve more by keeping them engaged and motivated throughout the day. It is free to set up an account, and they also have a YouTube channel.
Joe Wicks, The Body Coach
Joe Wicks has a playlist of kids High Intensity Interval Training videos to do at home. Create a space with a TV or tablet to watch and join in with his routines. He's now started a daily "P.E. with Joe" for children at home during school closures. Adults should join in too!
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Cosmic Kids Yoga
Cosmic Kids has yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for children aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world.
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